Trophy vault has one primary objective – to protect your trophies!

As hunters, we understand how much time, effort and money are invested in the outdoor lifestyle.

When it comes to your trophies, we know the memories and nostalgia are priceless. Unfortunately, for a number of outdoorsmen, these priceless trophies are lost each year due to fire, theft or other incidents.

Once the memories have been made and the trophies are on the wall, the only way to ensure your trophies are protected is by digitally archiving them with Trophy Vault!

In the event that your trophy is lost or damaged beyond repair, this high-quality 3D scan can be used for replication! Trophy Vault is teaming up with 3D Printing companies and artists across the country! This new procedure for replication eliminates the risks associated with shipping your original trophy and allows your trophy to stay in your possession! Antlers, horns, skulls and any other hard surfaced objects can be 3D scanned and digitally archived!

Not only can you bring your trophies in to be scanned, but we can come to you! Trophy Vault has mobile equipment allowing you to get your trophies scanned in the comfort of your own home without travelling!

When the scanning is completed, we will process the files and save them on one of our custom Trophy Vault USB flash drives. We recommend storing your flash drive in a safety deposit box or fireproof safe to ensure your digitally archived trophies are protected.

** After your trophies have been scanned, contact your insurance company to arrange coverage options.

Contact Trophy Vault:

Free consultations
Multi-trophy discounts available
Lifesize replications